
4 abr 2011

Random things I don't need but wish to have!

This shoes cause they are white and they are shoes ...

Pink it's my new obsession...
A clock in my ring cause it rocks!

Cause I love cats in a hat...

A really cool launch room... just to launch...
Blue shoes...well you can never have too many shoes, that's why!

Green Nail polish just because...

A great closet space just to feel I have my game room...

OMG I'm addicted to shoes I guess... but these are amazing though!

This is beacause I usually get lost.. and forget my directions... so why not?... right!

Great design super original and the print awww!

Just cause it's a bunny.
This is just a great piece of jewerly... and I will love to dress my hands with some brid =)...
So what do you think about my list? 

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